Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hi Internet! It's me, Lindsay. Are you there?

"You should write a blog" they said. "People will LOVE to read your stories" they said. "We'll just see about that" I said.

So I have about a million ideas for blog post topics, however this first one is a bit more difficult than I expected. I want to come out the gate profound but approachable, funny but thought provoking, knowledgeable but entertaining. Since I have no idea how to do all that I guess I will just introduce myself and let my witty banter woo you all into loving me :)

I am Lindsay. I live on Wadmalaw Island, SC. We are a sleepy little island outside of Charleston, SC. Oh yeah, they also make Firefly Vodka and Moonshine here. Like .3 miles from my house. Not a bad place to be! I live here with my boyfriend, Johnny Cash Man Nurse, Pirate Gardener, Bearded Wonder - Patrick. Also there are some animals. Quite a few animals. I'll introduce you to the whole cast of supporting characters another day, but rest assured they are all well fed and bring much joy to our lives.

Why Fabric.Farm.Food. you ask? Well that is an excellent question my darling reader(s). The answer can get really complicated, but to prevent my wordiness from getting the best of me I will keep it simple. I sew. Not just for the fun of it or as a hobby, but for a living. I LOVE it. I have a tiny farm. We call it Thaddeus Farms after my grandfather. It's an ever evolving venture and we are excited about where the future is taking us. I eat, judging from my rounded physique, too much :). We had our first garden this past fall and Patrick is hooked! The more food we grow and make ourselves the more we want to do in the future. There is nothing better than preparing something you grew yourself. It always tastes better than the store bought ones.

As a side note - I LOVE glitter. If there was an F word for glitter it would have made the blog name, unfortunately I couldn't figure one out. I almost went with Fairy Dust but it didn't make the cut.

My goal is to share my thoughts and stories and this journey I am on with you all through this blog. I would love to promise that I will write once a week or twice a week, but as you that know me well know, I have never been on time to anything in my entire life. With the exception of my birth, I was born early, that was the LAST time I was ever early for anything. So let's be realistic and say I will write bi-weekly and see how it goes from there? Feel free to ask me questions, leave me comments filled with kind words and encouragement or curse words and Grammar Nazi critics. Whatever blows your dress up.

I am excited! Let's hope I stay that way and this becomes a new thing. Buckle up and enjoy the ride y'all!


  1. Great blog! I'm enjoying it so far!

  2. Great post! Love learning a little about you! Congrats on getting a goal accomplished! Can't wait to read more!

  3. Great intro. Looking forward to hearing more. Oooh Patrick is a fine Irish name :)

    1. Paula - His last name is McKinley - he's very Irish indeed! :)

  4. Can't wait to hear more - we quilters are such a diverse bunch, but all tied together by our love of sewing :)

  5. Congrats on your new goal! Looking forward to reading!!

  6. Congrats on accomplishing one of your 2014 goals. Look forward to learning more about you and your farm.

  7. Great start! Looking forward to reading about all your adventures!

  8. Hello and welcome to blogland! I'm sure you will like it here. Great start! Looking forward to read more.
